A human-centric model of health

A while back, I had the opportunity to do a series of projects with one of the world’s leading healthcare suppliers. While researching the topics at hand, and especially while preparing presentations for workshops, I felt the need to express the necessity to think less from a supplier point of view and more from a patient’s point of view instead–or even better: a human’s point of view.

We humans are generally occupied with our day-to-day lives, juggling our own needs and wants with the interests of others and all the hassles we face along the way. Health is important, but primarily when it is failing us 🙂 We then employ the tools and sensors that are at our disposal, to arrange the help we need to get back to a more positive equilibrium.

If we want to work towards a world where health monitoring is done more consistently, the applicable solutions (i.e. sensors) should remain in the background, with no active engagement required.

Anyways, here’s a model that shows how we should think about the role of health care in relation to a human.

Key principles here are:

– The person and their needs and individual context are the focus, rather than everyone’s solution. The health industry should organise itself around the human.

– From reactive to proactive-continuous monitoring and care. The concept of ‘patient’ becomes obsolete.

– Move away completely from the dichotomy of physical versus psychological

(To see a bigger version: Right-click and select ‘open in new tab’)

